Medical specialties, diagnostic laboratories, Ambulatory Surgery Centers & Hospitals unfortunately are experiencing denied, delayed and improperly paid claims every day!
When these delayed and denied insurance responses appear in your mailbox instead of checks, what do you do? Complain and curse that claims examiner and company?
These claims now start to become stale and your staff is now working on the newer claims.
Eventually the older delayed/denied or improperly paid claims just sit waiting for a miracle payment to arrive in your mailbox even though no one is working on them.
Sound familiar? We know it does because we have heard it from our clients time and time again. Then they hired NMD Group.
The insurance companies love this scenario and why wouldn’t they? They are still getting their premiums, they know they can delay, deny or improperly reimburse a claim and the odds of a practice calling on an older claim is very low. Your answer is to outsource your past due claims to the experts; NMD Group Inc. and stop accepting the insurance company denial as a final determination!
Our staff has the training, tools, and years of experience to get claims paid and generate maximum reimbursement for our clients.